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 The Business Realist

   A dose of reality for a saner workplace


Phone : 1800-408-5186 ext 103 Email : karen@(thisdomainname)  .com


Hand making a phone call

Please call or email me if you have questions or want to inquire about my services. I live in New Jersey and can easily commute to the tri-state NY metropolitan area.

My phone is : 1800-408-5186  ext 103     My fax number is the same.

Email me at karen@(thisdomainname).com  (Due to spammers, I don't want to spell out the email address. Just cut and paste it from the url.)

Or leave me a comment in the Comments page.

More Posts

See, hear, say no evil

Reality Checks

Steeped in processes, procedures, and methodologies, people often don't see how they can get the same results without all the work. It's like not seeing the forest for the trees.

tug of war

Common Problems

 Large initiatives often go awry due to some common problems that usually have little to do with the content of the issues being addressed.

Bending over backwards

Specific Initiatives

Innovation, Supply Chain, Process Reengineering, and New Product Development initiatives each have their own particular foibles.

Training seminar


Much of our behavior is not governed by our logical mind. We persist in bad habits and unproductive behaviors despite knowing that they are harmful.  It's not our logical mind at the controls; it's our subconscious mind calling the shots.  Yet, the majority of our training is directed at our logical mind.

Coaching in locker room


True to my purpose of finding the easy way to change behavior, I use NLP (neurolinguistic programming) techniques to help you reach your goals. I don't use notebooks, logs, or require much in the way of self-discipline

Overwhelmed by papers on desk

Sanity Savers

Although we worry about the big issues, like meeting a project deadline or getting a software upgrade right, more often it's the little things that wear us down, like being overloaded with email, endless meetings that serve no purpose, conference calls that never reach a conclusion,.....


Got Ideas?

Pile of light bulbsIf you have some ideas for articles, please drop me a note or leave a comment. If you have an article you'd like to contribute or link to,  I will be happy to publish your link and ensure that you get attributed.

Featured Neologisms

Undue diligence   –
the endless process of collecting more information in order to avoid making a decision
Team vynamics   -
Group behavior wherein individuals at a meeting vie for dominance